“Shine with Light and Love”

                     Let us honour our school by living up to its motto. The motto says, shine with light and love. This should be the burning desire in our hearts and minds. Let us experience the light of Jesus so that we may radiate our love to our country , parents , teachers , our brethren and to ourselves.


  1. Come to school clean and tidy. Have bath regularly comb your finger nails clean and dully pared. Have shoes polished; If your clothes or shoes are torn pared. Have shoes mended in time. Be clean and tidy, in your work. Take trouble to keep your person, your book, surroundings clean and in order. But take still greater care to keep your mind and heart pure because you are a child of God.
  2. Be always ready to help others but never try to show others that you are richer or clevere than others.
  3. Remember to say, “Please”, “Excuse me” and “Thank you” .Do not punish and trust others or of the way in order to get something you want. Take your place in the line and wait for your turn. Show special respect to small children, girls, elderly people, the ladies and the sick. Offer them a seat , standing aside to let them pass and being always ready to do them service.
  4. Learn to keep silence when you should never interrupt a person who is talking even though he or she is your own school companion. Do not talk or make noise during a public function Be attentive in class. Do not ask question or make remarks without first getting the teacher’s permission.
  5. Be fair in your dealings with others. Never break your promise in your games, know how to keep smiling when you lose the game and do not tease others or boast when you win. It is bad. It causes misunderstanding and quarrels.
  6. Never touch books or articles which do not belong to you without the owner’s permission. If you come across something of value lying about, do not keep it for yourself but try to find the owner.
  7. Do not eat too fast. Take care that food particles not littered all over the table or on the floor. While eating speak only when your mouth is empty; wash your mouth after eating.
  8. Use a handkerchief when you sneeze and cover your mouth when you yawn. Never scratch yourself, spit or pick your nose, ears or teeth while in the presence of others.
  9. Do not tease others in order to hurt them but try to keep everyone happy because everyone is a child of god. Help others to do what is followed by others in the words of the poet Tennyson.

“Our echoes roll from soul to soul, and grow forever and forever”